

Joined on Apr 20, 2019
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Author Name

Jason Gatewood

Long Bio

I'm a human being currently living aboard Starship Earth. My goal is to go to all the places in this world and learn as much as I can about the things that people earlier in my life told me I wouldn't. I`m not good at describing myself... But here goes... I am a native St. Louisan but moved to Atlanta to attend college. I graduated from Georgia State in the summer of `99... Not with honors, but hey, I still got the hell outta there so I am happy. Then after working for a few years I ended up going back to school at Webster University in St Louis (OK I ended up back in St Louis, but not for long...) Once I got out of school this time, I wound up right back in Atlanta.. I also lived, worked and attended university in Osaka, Japan! I used to go back to Japan almost every year, but now I live here!! It was always my dream to live here in Nippon, so another dream has come true. Film and internet and art are my life. Music too! I've worked in it, around it and on it since i was 12 years old, and now run an independent film and multimedia company called Streetside Media in Atlanta and in Japan... Check out http://www.streetsidemedia.com/ for info on that. My personal site is http://www.jlgatewood.com/ so if you wanna know more about me, just visit my blog for more info.


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