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OosedoChishima - a Japanese musician-duo visiting Germany

A little sleepy village with a little ancient church – a perfect setting for a wonderful concert. On August 25, 2012, the Japanese musician-duo OosedoChishima played a concert at the village of Bobeck in Germany.


OosedoChishima (大瀬戸千嶋) are Oosedo Takashi on saxophone and Chishima Satoshi on electronic organ, both coming from Hiroshima. After studying at different universities, they started to make music together in June 2006. On stage OosedoChishima mixes up classic music with many other music genres. Especially because they play instrumental music, there is no language problem for foreign people.

Especially for them as Japanese musicians it is something special to come to Germany and play in ancient churches with long history. The church in Bobeck was already built in around 1300 AD and renovated since 1999.


At their concert in Bobeck OosedoChishima played ten songs, starting with some classic pieces from Antonín Dvořák and Johann Sebastian Bach. They also played some Japanese songs, just like “Aka Tonbo” by Kosaku Yamada and the famous Japanese song “Sukiyaki”. In the second half of the concert OosedoChishima played their own songs, for example “real”, “Kaze” and “Kokorobare”. They also introduced a song of their new album “Future” released on September 19, 2012, in Japan.



Chishima told us that he already started to make music in a young age with the support of his family and neighbors. They want to compose good music which the audience likes and can enjoy. As they say, one of the most important things while making music is putting all your heart into it.

They have been to Germany once before in summer 2007 – also for some concerts, at this time still together as “Solisten Dreieck” (ゾリステン・ドライエック) with Horie Ryutaro, who now became their producer. The still existing contact to the parish made them come back to this region. Unfortunately they only stayed in Germany for a few days this time and played little concerts in Hanau, Bobeck, Römhild und Berlin. Chishima told us that he likes the German people, but he is a little bit sad that he can’t talk to them because of the different languages.

I personally hope I have the chance to see them live once again someday!

For more information please visit their website and become their fan on Facebook: 
Official website
Official Facebook account


PS:  A lot of thanks to OosedoChishima & Horie-san for the interview. A special thanks also to my friends Anika and Narumi who helped with preparing everything and taking photos.

Claudia Kuehlewindt
I am a 23-years-old girl from Germany. I became interested in Japan already in the age of 10 and now Japan is the country I love the most. Starting in October 2013 I will stay in Japan for one year with Working Holiday Visa. Read more »