Narita Airport to launch foreign language badges
Narita Airport started the foreign language badges program to let travelers know who can speak which language at the airport terminal stores from the end of April, 2012.
According to its press releases, there are 400 staff who can speak foreign languages (other than English). However only 30% of them wore the badges, and the design of those badges were different from one store to the others, which may lead confusion.
Narita Inaterntional Airport Corporation (NAA) decided to unite the design and ask all foreign language speaking staff to wear the badge to provide the better asistance.
There are 14 different badges:
Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Filipino, Thai, French, Italian Portugese, Russian, Malay, Swedish and blank badge for staff who can speak additional language.
According to ORICON, 200 badges are being used for Chinese. A blank badges were already used for German speaking staff. It looks like more language to be added.